10 Reason To Choose ESSARCON

Home 10 Reason To Choose ESSARCON

10 Reasons why entrepreneurs choose our company - Essarcon

A large enterprise is a well-established scheme of work that guarantees high quality products. The Essarcon company has been operating for over 14 years.

It is very important that the company has real photos of its products, on the website and in social networks, in catalogs and booklets. Unique photographs are another guarantee of the future partner's professionalism.

A large catalog of Essarcon products is a clear confirmation of the experience of our specialists.

The wider the geography of supplies from the manufacturing plant, the higher the quality of the equipment! Indeed, with the release of each new line, the company grows experience, which means that the equipment becomes more perfect.

For 14 years, we have made more than 55 production lines and sent them to various states of India and neighboring countries like Sri Lanka and Bhutan. And this is just the beginning!

Customer reviews posted on the website or in social handles are another confirmation of the company's expertise in AAC block production. You can read the reviews of our satisfied customers on our Google Business Page.

Real quality is not beautiful photos in a booklet, but the functionality and flawless operation of equipment that has been used in standard mode for at least 1 year.

If you want to be convinced of the quality of Essarcon equipment, contact our specialists and ask for the factory visit of the company's current customers. You will have the opportunity to go to an already established production, see with your own eyes the entire technological process and talk with people who work in this production.

It is important to make sure that the equipment offered by the manufacturer is produced in accordance with the technological requirements. Only a well-organized and streamlined production process guarantees product quality.

We invite everyone to visit our production so that you can see for yourself the competence of Essarcon!

Competent work of Essarcon specialists allows our clients to save money and avoid unnecessary mistakes. We are ready at any time to:

  • Calculate the profitability of your future enterprise
  • Provide contacts of suppliers of raw materials
  • Prepare the layout for your factory and plant the site works
  • Prepare the arrangement of the selected equipment
  • All this will help you in the first stages of starting the production

The company "Essarcon" never fails its partners! We guarantee that you will receive the equipment within the strictly agreed time frame, which will be specified in the official contract.

It is very easy to assemble the Essarcon equipment. You will have all the documentation necessary for successful installation, and our specialist will definitely help you at the stage of equipment launch and will be with you until the first result.

The company "Essarcon" always cares about its customers and does everything possible to make you confident in the success of your new business.

  • We provide lifetime technical customer support

    Our technical support is there for you not just when you're setting up and within the warranty period, but also throughout the entire project's lifespan.
  • We train your staff to operate the equipment

    It is not enough to purchase equipment and start production: it is necessary that your workers know how to work on it and know the whole technological process. The technologist of the company "Essarcon" will teach you and your staff to work on the equipment
  • We provide the recipe for aerated concrete mix

    In order for your products to meet quality standards and demand for them to be high, you need to know the exact technology for manufacturing aerated concrete. If required by you, our technologists will carry out all calculations based on the characteristics of your raw materials, and try to provide a recipe based on the best of our knowledge which will help you achieve the best result.
  • We help our clients to promote finished products to the market

    If necessary, we will help you to promote your products and set up advertising campaigns, as well as tell you how you can attract customers.